Monday, August 16, 2004

A notice from the post office for a certified letter was left for me at my Abilene address. Since I am only there on weekends, I had to leave it to my mom to pick it up on Monday.

Who could be sending it? There was no information about the identity of the sender. Naturally, I was curious --- NO, I panicked!!!! With some of the situations that had been going on in my life, I feared bad news. My brain created multiple scenarios -- all within less than 30 seconds. Of course, I shared these with Mom who sympathized with me.

This morning, she went to the post office and picked up the offending letter. She emailed me: "I want to calm your fears. It is not what you thought it might be. It is from the IRS." (end of message.)

Oh, well, thanks, Mom. That really puts my mind at ease. The IRS? What could they want?

As I waited for Mom to elaborate, my mind created one scenario that made my heart stop.

She wrote back. "It seems you owe them $1.77."

When I woke up this morning, I had so many things to be grateful for. Now, I have one more: I only owe the IRS $1.77.


Blogger Mae said...

I am laughing! I was right there with you, and numerous times I have over-reacted to small situations. Glad that it's only $1.77! Happy Back to School Days!!! :)

5:00 PM  
Blogger Serena Voss said...

Thanks, Mae! It is good to be back. : )

6:28 PM  
Blogger SG said...

And you have to wonder how much it cost them to actually go throufh the whole process and send that certified letter. My bet it was more than $1.77. :)

12:00 PM  
Blogger Donna G said...

Wow! Talk about your good news/bad news scenarios. Glad it worked out so well for you. That IRS is scary stuff....

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mornin' Serena!
Is it just me, or do others find that we, of the female persuasion, are more likely to let the imagination run away with our emotions? Maybe it has to do with our inbred alarm bells necessary for child-rearing. Ya' think?

We then often have a second very female reaction - being provoked at the 'offending' party for NOT giving us a legitimate reason for our worry. LOL

Just to name a couple of examples:
Kids are late getting home from school - our imagination sees them kidnapped.
Kids are late getting home from social activity - we envision broken legs in traction.
Husband is late coming home from anything - our vision switches to graveside. LOL

Congratulations that it was ONLY the IRS!! :>)


6:16 AM  
Blogger Serena Voss said...

Yes, when you think about what could go wrong, hearing from the IRS may not be that bad. : )

11:44 AM  

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