Monday, May 23, 2005

This was one of those "good news / bad news" weekends. Actually, all was going pretty well until Sunday evening while still in Abilene and getting ready to load the van to drive back to Post.

The good news is that it was relatively early in the evening when we finally finished all our apartment work so we could head back. The bad news was that while we were loading the van, a skunk waddled into our garage.

The good news is that it scurried over to the storage closet and I was able to shut the door. More good news was that Mom still had the animal trap she had borrowed from us and a can of tuna fish. The bad news was that as Jim was easing the trap into the closet, the shop vac hose fell down and scared the skunk, and of course, she let us know it.

The good news was that Mom suddenly remembered that you could call an emergency number after hours and someone from animal control would come out. The bad news was that the man chided us for making his job more difficult by putting the trap in the closet. (Ha! more difficult for HIM?!!!!)

The good news was that he got the skunk. The bad news was that the odor was permeating the house and we have company visiting us next weekend.

The good news is that Mom just happened to have an ozone machine. And it was also good that, even though we were dog tired and frustrated and it was late, we did manage to get home in one piece.

I hope the ozone machine will do the trick. I also plan to ask my mom to spray the garage, carpet, curtains and furniture with Febreze.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I've smelled a skunk, but that's one odor you NEVER forget! Yuck!

You poor guys . . .

But, glad they got the skunk for you.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Serena Voss said...

: )

6:28 PM  
Blogger Donna G said...

That story stinks!!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Serena Voss said...

My sentiments, exactly!

8:16 AM  

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