Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Friday is tax day.

Next Monday thru Friday are TAKS days, when our Texas public school kids will take the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills series of tests. It is supposed to measure what students know or don't know, based on what the state thinks they should know. It determines graduation from high school and in some cases advancement to next grade or retainment in same grade. It is the source of all sorts of anxiety for students and teachers.

I think it is ironic that right after we tax the adults, we TAKS the kids.


Blogger Mae said...

One of the reasons that I have choosen not to enter the only field I am "certified" in is because of the stinkin' achievement tests. Personally, I think they are simply used as a ranking "See how good we are and how awful you are." type of assessment. Grrr, my soap box is getting slippery so I'll just hop down and return to my non-teaching-full-of-other-types-of-assessments life.

TAKS and taxes are taxing in more ways than one!

11:18 AM  
Blogger SG said...

Yes both are soo taxing/taking! I know they have to use something as a yardstick but really... all this testing is just too much for kids, parents and teachers alike!

As for taxes ~ I like the sentiment in the old country song that said "if 10% is good enough for Jesus Christ, it should be enough for Uncle Sam." But then again the more you have to pay, the more you have been paid.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

LOL--my son is just had to take SAT 10 (Stanford Achievement Test 10) and ARMT (Alabama Reading/Math Test). Was he stressed? NOT! Stinker was just thrilled that he had no homework! I'd have been stressed out of my gourd! : P

4:59 PM  

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